
add it to the list

of brilliant ideas that stefanie has...
i decided to drive to walmart at 9:30pm on a very icy snowy night. and spun out in the van over a patch of ice past pinson. and the little van is still stuck on the snowy embankment waiting for rescue. no rear bumper left because it caught ahold of a road sign.

yeah, so i felt real smart. fortunately no one was hurt, it was just me and the ice. and the van. sometimes i wonder if i'm really nearly 24 years old.

and on a different note, i'm getting ready to audition for "a winter's tale". my monologue's getting there. guess i should go work some more. haven't auditioned a play in over a year. wow. i'm excited.

1 comment:

Chara said...

I told Josh I would ride up a mountain with him- if he could find me a helmet to wear in the car!

WE got about three or four inches here- truly thrilling!
