

four days never went by faster.

now i'm trudging through the compilation of the scrapbook of doom. i never have claimed to love scrapbooking, and i am now certain why i've never declared that love. sure, it's satisfying to see the completed pages and realize that i'm fairly creative... but it just takes too much time!! for a perfectionist anyway. it took me an hour just to plan the table of contents (a requirement for the class) yeah, besides which, this is an expensive "hobby"

yes, yes, i know - i'll enjoy having it afterwards and derive much satisfaction from letting everyone see it.

i loved new york. loved.

and now i'm plunging into the pile of "little" tasks i must perform in order to prepare for the fall semester. and now, i have a new roomie. emily moved in on monday, and brought an entertainment center, courtesy of the holtins, with her. so we totally rearranged the living room the day after i got back. i was sooooo tired. but the living room looks great, especially with the addition of a new walmart chair that makes me very happy.

how did the summer end so soon? yeah, i know it's not quite over yet - just step outside. but, but, but... the fall semester is starting on the 23rd. crazy. i need to go buy school supplies.

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