
it's back

an old friend came out to haunt me during the run of the play... here's the question: DO i look like drew barrymore?? seriously? that's just weird.


Marco Antonio said...

Judging from your profile picture alone (might I add, you have beautiful piercing blue eyes), no.

Random Immature thought: My word verification was "azzmn", no kidding.

Susan said...

I don't think so. you look far too smart to resemble her. besides, your chin is normal!

Anonymous said...

i think it's the way you hold your mouth. yes, seeing d.b. makes me think of you (and not because you always complained that everyone compares your face to a bad actress!)...but i've never done a full analysis of WHY.

good luck on that paper.

Jeremy Marshall said...

No way, you totally do NOT resemble Drew Barrymore...for one, your face doesn't look like you were ironed (like you know, with a clothes iron) by your mother as a child. As far as I'm concerned, Drew Barrymore's face is...well...for lack of a better word...flat...

Unknown said...

jeremy - that just makes me giggle... her face IS flat. mine is far too animated to be like hers.

Chara said...

Hey? Where did you go? This pic of drew is starting to freak me out!!!! I miss Stefanie!
