
fire hazard

the gas range in the little kitchen screamed "fire hazard"! when i entered the apartment last night. the fellow showing me the place seemed unconcerned though so it may have been my imagination. dennis is an interesting chap, i think everyone knows a dennis. he is a "handyman" who came to the area 12 years ago while searching for indian arrow heads, he rented one of the apartments he now owns, and has never left. he resembled the guy who collected orchids in the movie "adaptation" (weird but good movie - more on that in another post)

the apartment was on the 2nd floor of the old house - the whole thing is split into four apartments now. we entered from the back via the exterior stairs (another potential hazard i'm sure) into a "sunroom"/porch area of sorts with an itchy avacado green rocker chair. the interior was open - lots of windows and painted white. the floor rolled a bit, and was covered in a patchwork of green linoleum, threadbare red, green and brown carpets in different areas. the bathroom was small but not scary and the furniture in it seemed decent.

negatives: the range, the stairs and the AC - a window unit.

positives: not mooching off of my parents, a space of my OWN.

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