

i love to cook. it's really becoming a bit of a creative outlet for me - or at least a stress relief that is healthy and useful. i've taken to making meals downstairs in the dorm kitchen. mostly pastas and yummy sauces, with lots of fresh ingredients... and the rule is to share it. if i make food i have to share it with someone in the dorm. people seem to be getting used to seeing me in there, and smelling the garlic and onion... or whatever.

my friend laura often posts really great pictures of the food she and john make and it's very inspiring. they're always trying something unique, and very tasty too. i'm looking forward to having a kitchen of my own again, and a place where i can grow some herbs and vegetables too.

the best part of making food, for me, is that you can share it and share the process of making it with anyone. it draws people together and in the process, friends not only feed their bodies but eachother's souls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yum. i miss your cooking. mine's gone all lackluster lately and i could use the inspiration of your inventiveness.