

iitt's cco-old! must finally be winter in kansas. there was even a flurry of snow on the news the other day... it flew over wichita and hardly brushed us, but it was there! i love cold weather, and the holidays, and family ... my brothers are driving home from Tennessee today! They won't leave Freed until 2pm-ish, so they'll get here early in the morning really. I'm excited to see them, especially Ian, since this is his first break since the start of his Freshman year. =)

We're going to see Harry Potter tomorrow night, and go to the Coffee Club too. I love that we still do things together as siblings, someday we'll have families all our own to take care of, and won't get to do this.

I have an interview/application/test at T-Mobile's Call Center in Wichita on Tuesday. They pay oh, about 2-3 dollars an hour MORE than I'm being paid right now. Completed the phone interview last night, with all the questions about times when I've provided excellent customer service, and when I've dealt with irate customers, and why I think I'd be good for T-Mobile. Heh. We'll see. God has a plan, and it's bigger than me... I just keep trudging on.

That's what it feels like somedays. Trudge. Good word.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Penney's ... I'm just not ready to let my job define me. And I don't want that job to be me. It's taught me alot, and helped me realize that I can achieve alot, and learn alot. However, I have no time to even sit down and do homework without wanting to just sleep! How am I supposed to have good grades when I don't have enough hours in the day?

brrr... I think I'm going to get some coffee now.

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